AMD and Rhymes AI: Accelerating Multimodal Innovation

Terms of Use

Effective date: October 8, 2024
Welcome, and thank you for choosing Rhymes AI!
We at Rhymes Technology Inc. (together with our affiliates, “Rhymes AI,” “we,” “our,” or “us”) is a technology company specializing in artificial intelligence large language models and focus on AI software development, AI innovation platforms, AI theory and algorithm software, general AI application systems, and public AI data platforms. On this website, we offer a range of services, including a generative search engine, and multimodal models, as we update and make available on our platform from time to time, (the "Services").
This Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into by and between Rhymes AI and any individual or entity who uses, accesses or subscribes, as the case may be, to the Services ("You" or the “User”). Please ensure that you carefully read the contents of this Agreement before registering as a User of our Services. By registering as a User, you confirm that you have thoroughly read, understood, and agree to comply with all the terms of this Agreement.
You must be at least 18 years old, or the minimum age required in your country, to use the Services.

This Terms of Use contains the following sections:

  1. Definitions and Interpretation
  2. Accounts Management
  3. Service Content
  4. User Guidelines
  5. Intellectual Property
  6. Disclaimer
  7. Data Protection
  8. Breach of Agreement
  9. Termination and Suspension
  10. Brand Usage Terms
  11. Notices and Delivery
  12. Miscellaneous

1. Definitions and Interpretation

1.1 User
Refers to any individual or entity that accepts the terms of this Agreement, including Partners using the Product.
1.2 Services
Encompasses all search engines, websites, digital products, tools, applications, data, software and related services provided by Rhymes AI.
1.3 Affiliates
Any party that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Rhymes AI, where “control" refers to directing management policies through voting rights or other means.
1.4 Platform Rules
Includes all rules, regulations, announcements, instructions, guidelines, and similar content published or to be published on the platform Rules are as displayed on the platform.

2. Accounts Management

We collect Personal Information relating to you (“Personal Information”) as follows:

2.1 Personal Information You Provide

(1) To best experience our Services, you may be required to create a platform account by following the instructions to link your google email address, GitHub account or personal email, set up a username and password, and agree to the terms hereof to complete registration.
(2) Your account must comply with all laws and Platform Rules, accurately reflect your true identity, and not contain illegal or inappropriate content. You cannot register an account in someone else's name (such as using someone else's google email or GitHub account for registration) or cause confusion without consent. Malicious or bulk account registrations are prohibited. By registering accounts with us, you undertake to comply with all laws and avoid actions that infringe on others' rights or social ethics.

2.2 Personal Information We Collect Automatically

(1) Your account is for your own use only and cannot be shared or transferred to anyone else without our written consent. If we suspect unauthorized use, we may suspend or terminate Services and cancel the account without liability.
(2) You are responsible for keeping your account secure and confidential and are fully liable for all activities under your account, including data changes or statements. Always log out securely after use. You bear responsibility for any losses from improper account management, intentional disclosure, or third-party breaches. Notify us immediately of any unauthorized use or security breaches.
(3) If you lose your account, you can request recovery by contacting us at We will verify your identity based on the information provided. If the details are incorrect or incomplete, causing a delay in processing, you will bear any resulting losses. Our response requires a reasonable time frame, and we are not liable for delays beyond our control.
(2) Usage information:
Data including location, client-side date and access time, server-side date and access time, type of computer or mobile device, and network information.
(3) Device information:
(4) You may be asked complete real-name authentication to use the Services. If so asked, failure to do so gives us the right to suspend Services as required by law.
(5) If you register on behalf of a company and complete corporate real-name verification, you are legally responsible for all activities under the corporate account. Any fees incurred by applications using this product are your responsibility; otherwise, we may suspend Services.
Data about the real-time location of your device, in order to provide the weather information.
(5) Cookies and other tracking technologies:
(6) We have the right to review your submitted documents (e.g., identification, business licenses) and decide on your registration approval. You may need to provide additional documents or declarations. If you refuse or provide false, incomplete, or illegal information, you may be restricted from using the product. We may withdraw approval of your account registration from time to time in our sole discretion and are not responsible for the authenticity or legality of the submitted materials.
(7) To enhance Services quality, we reserve the right to manage Users through a tiered system, setting permissions and Services based on User levels.

2.2 Personal Information We Collect Automatically

(1) You have the right to cancel your account by contacting us at for customer service. We may verify your identity by account details or email verification code and may request additional proof if needed. Once verified, your request will be processed without undue delay, and your personal information will be deleted or anonymized as required by law.
(2) After cancellation of your account, you are still responsible for any actions taken before the account was canceled. You shall ensure no ongoing transactions or unresolved obligations remain and undertake that cancellation as you request will not complicate existing disputes or evade investigation. We may retain records of any illegal activities found during your use, as required by law.

3. How We Share and Disclose Your Personal Information

3.1 You may access Services and product as we roll out on our platform, which generates text and video output based on your input levering our AI technology and multimodal models. Please ensure you are using a version compatible with your hardware and system to ensure the proper functioning of the following three Services:
(1) BeaGo is a generative search engine that provides users with an intuitive search experience by generating relevant content based on user queries, allowing for more interactive and precise information retrieval.
(2) Aria, our 3.5a multimodal model, supports various forms of interaction, including text, images, and video.
(3) Allegro, our T2V model (Text-to-Video), which is an innovative service that converts your written text into video format.
Users can engage with these services without the need for registration.
3.2 We reserve the right to add, modify, suspend, or discontinue any Services.
3.3 Service Fees
(1) To the extent that some of our Services may require payment, if you use these Services, you must agree to the relevant terms. If you disagree with any terms or changes, please stop using the Services and contact us.
(2) We may set pricing for paid Services, which is listed on the relevant page. Users may select and pay for the Services they need according to their requirements.
3.4 Subscription Billing: To purchase Services, you must provide accurate billing information and a valid payment method. And, your subscriptions may renew automatically until canceled in advance. You are responsible for applicable taxes. If payment fails, your account may be downgraded or suspended.
3.5 Refund Process: Payments are non-refundable unless you are unreasonably or wrongfully prevented from using the paid service, or other exceptions apply. If eligible, contact customer service for assistance. Processing times depend on the completeness of the provided information, internal processes, and third-party banks.
3.6 For currently free Services, we may modify the content, duration, and standards at our discretion. If charges are introduced and you continue using such Services, you will be deemed as accept these changes and obligated to pay, failure of which will restrict your access.
3.7 If you have questions about purchasing Services, contact customer service using the details provided on each service page or at the bottom of the page.

4. User Guidance

4.1 We grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive right to use our Services, which is revocable at our sole discretion. If you publish content generated by the Services, you must: (1) verify its accuracy to avoid spreading false information; (2) clearly state it was generated by AI; and (3) avoid sharing content that violates this Agreement's usage guidelines.
4.2 When using our Services, you must follow this Agreement and act voluntarily, fairly, and in good faith. You may not use the product to infringe on others' rights, seek improper gains, or disrupt the platform. Violations may result in actions such as warnings, corrections, account restrictions, suspension, or closure. If criminal activity is involved, we may report it to authorities.
4.3 To comply with legal requirements, we may use technical or manual methods to review your use of the product, including monitoring inputs and outputs, implementing risk filters, and maintaining a database of illegal content.
4.4 You agree not to engage in the following behaviors:
(1) Use any plugins, hacks, systems, or third-party tools that are unauthorized or not approved by us to interfere with, disrupt, modify, or otherwise affect the normal operation of our platform or Services.
(2) Engage in any actions that endanger computer network security in connection with or through this product, including but not limited to:
  1. Unauthorized intrusion into other networks, interference with normal network functions, or theft of network data;
  2. Providing programs or tools specifically designed for network intrusion, interference with normal network functions and protective measures, or theft of network data;
  3. Knowingly providing technical support, advertising promotion, payment settlement, or other assistance to others engaging in activities harmful to network security;
  4. Using unauthorized data or accessing unauthorized servers/accounts;
  5. Unauthorized access to public computer networks or other people's computer systems and deleting, modifying, or adding stored information;
  6. Attempting to probe, scan, or test the vulnerabilities of this product’s system or network or to conduct any other behavior that undermines network security without authorization;
  7. Attempting to interfere with or disrupt the normal operation of this product’s system or website, intentionally spreading malicious programs or viruses, or engaging in other actions that disrupt normal network information Services;
  8. Forging TCP/IP packet names or parts of names.
(3) Reverse engineering, decompiling, or disassembling of our Services, or otherwise attempting to discover the source code of the Services.
(4) Maliciously register multiple accounts.
(5) Induce output that violates laws or contains inappropriate content.
(6) Maliciously bypassing this product's filtering mechanisms, including but not limited to inputting characters, numbers, or other meaningless garbled data that are difficult to discern or affect reading experience, or using variants or homophones to evade service detection.
(7) Use this Services to create competing products or services.
(8) Crawl or copy any content or data from our Services.
(9) As applicable, remove or alter AI-generated identifiers without our permission.
(10) Misrepresenting AI-generated content as human-generated.
4.5 Users must implement information security measures to protect data, personal information, and prevent fraud.
4.6 Your use of the Services must comply with all laws and regulations. If developing products using our Services, you must obtain necessary licenses or approvals from us and ensure compliance with applicable law, rules and regulations. If your use involves generative AI or deep synthesis, you are responsible for the content and your Users' actions, and you must compensate us for any violations.
4.7 If you add data for model training or fine-tuning, you are solely responsible for any resulting liabilities.

5. Intellectual Property

5.1 We own all rights to the data, information, and outputs generated from developing and operating the Services, except for rights held by third parties under applicable laws.
5.2 Unless otherwise agreed or required by law, you retain rights to the content you upload and the content generated from it. You grant us a free license to use this content for product-related purposes and to ensure compliance and security. You understand that similar or identical content may be generated for different Users, and you do not own the content generated for others, even though the respective content may be similar.
5.3 All intellectual property rights of our Services, including software, technology, and content, belong to us, except where third-party rights apply.
5.4 Each party retains its own intellectual property rights, which are not transferred or jointly owned by signing or performing this Agreement.
5.5 You acknowledges and understands that all intellectual property rights to materials, technology, software, and tools we provide are not owned by users. You are authorized to use such intellectual property rights to the extent and in the way only as specified in this Agreement and may not harm our or third parties' intellectual property rights or attempt to access the source code or bypass technical limitations.
5.6 Your inputs must not infringe on any legal rights or involve confidential or sensitive information, such as personal information, trade secrets or public interest. You are responsible for any infringements, and if your actions cause losses to us or our affiliates, financial and reputational, etc. you agree to fully indemnify us for those losses.
5.7 You retain rights to your inputs and outputs, and using our Services does not transfer or diminish your lawful rights unless agreed otherwise. We may store and use your content within legal limits to achieve the Services purposes.
5.8 If you do not want your content used for model training, you can opt out by contacting Note that opting out may limit the Services effectiveness in some cases.

6. Disclaimer

To be specific:
  1. While the Services (including updates) have been thoroughly tested, we cannot guarantee compatibility with all software, hardware, and systems. If you face compatibility issues, contact us for support. If the issue remains unresolved, you may discontinue use.
  2. We aim to provide secure and stable Services, but they are offered "as is" with no additional guarantees beyond what is legally required. We do not guarantee uninterrupted or error-free operation, the ability to fix all defects, or that the product will meet all User needs. We will make reasonable efforts to maintain security and normal operation within the limits of current technology.
  3. We do not provide any warranties, express or implied, regarding the product’s suitability, error-free operation, continuity, accuracy, or reliability due to factors like viruses, network issues, hacking, maintenance, or unforeseen events.
  4. Despite our efforts to improve the Services’ accuracy, reliability, and security, technical limitations mean we cannot guarantee the legality, authenticity, accuracy, or completeness of its outputs. Users should evaluate the outputs independently and assume any risks. We are not liable for any losses unless legally required.
  5. The product's outputs are not professional advice and should not replace expert guidance in areas such as law, medicine, or finance. Outputs are for reference and may vary; use caution and judgment. You are responsible for ensuring legal and appropriate use of the content and for any harm caused by improper use.
  6. You understand and agree that we will make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure data security during your use of this product; however, we cannot provide a complete guarantee, including but not limited to the following situations:
    • We are not responsible for the deletion or storage of any data related to your use;
    • If you stop using the product or if this Agreement is terminated or canceled, we are not obligated to return any data to you.
  7. We reserve the right to modify, update, or terminate the Services at any time without prior notice. Under no circumstances shall we be liable for any loss or damage that you or your Users may suffer as a result of service interruption, modification, or termination.
  8. Users are solely accountable for all actions taken under their account and must comply with all relevant local, state, national, and international laws, treaties, and regulations when using the Services, including those concerning data privacy, international communications, and the transmission of technical or personal data.

Limitation of liability

Certain jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or limitations on damages, so some or all of the above terms may not apply to you, and you may have additional rights. In such cases, this Agreement will limit our responsibilities only to the maximum extent allowed by the law in your country of residence.


If you are a business or organization, to the fullest extent allowed by law, you agree to indemnify and hold us, our affiliates, and our personnel harmless from any costs, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including legal fees) resulting from third-party claims related to your use of the Services and Content or any breach of this Agreement.

7. Data Protection

7.1 We process data, including personal information, based on your instructions and solely to provide the Services, adhering to principles of legality, fairness, necessity, and integrity. You have the right to monitor our data processing. If we believe your instructions violate data protection related laws and regulations, we may immediately cease providing the product without liability.
7.2 You are responsible for safeguarding your information legally and reasonably, including enhancing internal management, implementing security measures, and being cautious with third-party cooperation. Ensure your use of the Services complies with all relevant laws and regulations and bear any resulting liabilities.
7.3 You must ensure that your Users' use of our Services, via your applications or Services, complies with legal data processing requirements. This involves informing end-Users about data collection and processing and obtaining their consent. You must ensure that end-User Data is processed legally and not used for any unlawful purposes. As the controller and processor of end-User Data, you are responsible for managing, modifying, and deleting data, and for backing up data to avoid loss. If any violations occur in data processing, you will bear all consequences, and we may terminate the product's provision to you.
7.4 We may verify your compliance with this Agreement's usage rules and data processing requirements, and you must cooperate. Regardless of whether we conduct checks or their outcome, you remain responsible for compliance. If you violate the rules or laws, we may take immediate action, such as deleting data, suspending Services, or canceling your account. You will be liable for any legal issues and must compensate us for any resulting losses.
7.5 We prioritize the protection of Users' personal information and will collect, use, and store your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy is an integral part of this Agreement, so it is an important document that you should read.

8. Breach of Agreement

8.1 If you violate this Agreement or any service terms, we may take actions such as issuing warnings, requiring corrections, limiting account functions, suspending use, closing your account, or banning re-registration. We may also announce the outcome publicly and decide whether to restore access. For suspected legal violations, we will retain records and report them to authorities.
8.2 You are fully responsible for any consequences of violating this Agreement, other rules, or laws. If your actions cause us or our affiliates to compensate a third party or face government penalties, you must fully cover all resulting losses.

9. Termination and Suspension

9.1 This Agreement becomes effective upon your account registration and remains in effect unless terminated as outlined below.
9.2 We may suspend your access to the product if:
  1. You breach this Agreement or violate laws and regulations;
  2. You fail to fulfill your payment obligations;
  3. Your access or use poses a security threat to us or others;
  4. Your use could disrupt the product’s functionality, availability, or operation;
  5. Required by applicable laws, regulations, or government directives;
  6. Your use could create liability or regulatory risks for us;
  7. You may infringe third-party intellectual property rights; or
  8. You have stopped normal business operations or are undergoing bankruptcy, liquidation, dissolution, or similar proceedings.
You agree that: (a) suspension does not remove your obligation to pay any fees owed before or during the suspension; and (b) you are not eligible for a refund or fee reduction due to suspension.
9.3 Upon termination, all rights and licenses granted under this Agreement will immediately end. Provisions meant to survive termination will remain in effect.
9.4 If you believe your account was suspended or terminated in error, you can appeal by contacting

10. Brand Usage Terms

10.1 Without our written consent, you cannot use our brand name, logo, or similar identifiers. To request authorization, contact us at We may grant or deny authorization at our discretion.

11. Notices and Delivery

11.1 You must provide a valid contact method when registering and update it if your information changes to remain reachable.
11.2 We will send important notifications to your provided contact information, which may affect your rights and obligations.
11.3 Notifications sent through your contact methods, including electronic notices, will be deemed delivered once successfully sent.

12. Dispute Resolution

These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of California and the United States, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. with the exception of any matters subject to arbitration as described above, you agree that any action at law or in equity arising out of or relating to these terms shall be filed only in the state or federal courts located in San Francisco, California, USA and you hereby consent and submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purposes of litigating any such action. If any provision of these terms shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from these terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. This is the entire agreement between us relating to the subject matter herein and shall not be modified except in writing, signed by both parties.
Any dispute arising out of or relating in any way to your use of our Services or any products, services, or information you receive through our Services, shall be submitted to confidential, binding arbitration in San Francisco, California, USA pursuant to the American Arbitration Association’s Commercial Arbitration Rules. The arbitrator's award shall be final and binding and may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. No arbitration under these Terms of Use may be joined with another arbitration related to the subject matter hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing arbitration requirement, with regard to any actual or potential violation of our intellectual property rights, we may seek injunctive or other appropriate relief in the courts of San Francisco, California, USA and you hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts and waive all objections thereto. We each agree that any dispute resolution proceedings will be conducted only on an individual basis and not in a class, consolidated or representative action. If for any reason a claim proceeds in court rather than in arbitration, you waive your right to bring or participate in a class action lawsuit and we each waive any right to a jury trial.
The following processes shall govern the arbitration process:
  • Before commencing an arbitration, you agree to inform us of the nature of the claim and the relief you seek by sending an email to
  • Within 10 days, we will contact you and thereafter you and we will attempt to resolve the claim or issue in a satisfactory way.
  • If, following these attempts at exploring a resolution, you intend to proceed with an arbitration claim, we will collectively seek to reach an agreement on the selection of an arbitrator to hear and decide the dispute and how it will be heard, including whether to submit the dispute to the arbitrator only in written form, by proceedings conducted via video or in-person.
  • In the event that you and we cannot agree on an arbitrator, the process set forth in California Civil Code Section 1281.6 will be followed. That process allows for a court to select an arbitrator.

13. Miscellaneous

13.1 If you believe your intellectual property rights are violated, submit a notice to the We may remove or disable access to content that breaches this Agreement or infringes on intellectual property rights and terminate accounts of repeat offenders when necessary.
Written notifications regarding copyright infringement must include the following:
  • A physical or electronic signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner;
  • A physical or electronic signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner;
  • A description of the location of the allegedly infringing material on our site to help us locate it;
  • Your contact information, including address, phone number, and email address;
  • A statement that you have a good-faith belief that the use in dispute is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
  • A declaration that the information in your notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on their behalf;
13.2 You are required to comply with all relevant trade regulations, including sanctions and export control laws. Our Services may not be used in or on behalf of, nor exported or re-exported to: (a) any country or territory under U.S. embargo, or (b) any person or entity subject to trade restrictions or prohibitions under applicable trade laws. Our Services must not be used for any purpose prohibited by these laws, and your Input must not contain any material or information that would require a government license for release or export.
13.3 If any provision of this Agreement is found to be wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable reason, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect.
13.4 By accepting this Agreement, you consent to any future modifications. We may amend the Agreement at any time, and updated versions will be posted on our website. If you disagree with any changes, you must stop using the product; continued use indicates acceptance.
13.5 You may not assign or transfer this Agreement without our prior written consent.